Sunday, 5 August 2012

Bushy Park Walk

On Sunday most of  Room Six and Room Five went on a walk at  Bushy Park. It was very hard. We started walking we saw a GIANT tree! I couldn't believe how big it was, it had a big thick fat trunk too! We started walking again and it was very damp! I also saw alot of moss on a tree. Just before we stopped for lunch I slipped,on a branch that was sticking up and had some moss on it, and I twisted my ankle AWWWWHHOOO I screamed it really hurt. I had to limp the way to the lunch area! It was so annoying. When we got to the lunch area I couldn't wait to sit down because of my saw ankle. After we had had  something to eat, we walked back I could'nt wait to sit down.

By Sophia